
  • 公司規模:少于50人
  • 公司地址:上海-浦東新區浦東大道1號中國船舶大廈7-11層

(SMVS)Project Management Engineer項目管理工程師(TPM11678)

職位編號: 1840981 招聘日期: 2024-09-06 ~ 2025-09-06 招聘部門: 不限
工資待遇: 面議 工作地點: 上海 招聘崗位: 電氣/電器/設備類
招聘人數: 2人 學歷: 本科 工作年限: 3年以上
性別要求: 不限 年齡要求: 24歲到40歲 所在地區: 不限
職位描述: 工作地點:無錫正在加載更多城市
組織:Siemens Ltd. China/西門子(中國)有限公司
Mission of function
? Management of the Technical Order Processing (TOP) of circuit-breaker switchgear

Contacts (internal / external)
? Internal: Production manager/ MPS manager/ CE manager/ R&D manager/ QA manager/CoC project manager
? External: Sales/ Customers

? Preparation of customer orders and general tasks
Support customers during the preparation of purchase orders, and maintain customer relations. Check the technical and commercial transfer of the customer‘s or the sales department‘s order data, concretize if required, and enter them in the order tool. Appoint the order manager. Clarify delivery dates and confirm to the customer. Record new orders, and record and follow up the turnover. Optimize execution procedures.

? Processing of customer orders
Prepare customer orders, e.g. for the assembly line and the forwarding department, by compiling the order documents (e.g. lists of devices, order cover sheet, lists of accessories, rating plates), or have this done. Clarify purchase orders for e.g. primary and secondary part of the switchgear or order-specific devices as well as transport bases, or have this clarified; check for completeness and place the order, or have it placed. Check whether the circuit documentation is complete. Transfer special technical solutions to the component lists, if required, or have them transferred. If necessary, clarify additional processes. Coordinate submission of the customer order to the material logistics for procurement of the parts, or have it coordinated. Ensure disposition and operative procurement of all parts and constructional assemblies.

? Monitoring of customer orders
Control the sequence of the order delivery cycle regarding time and content by means of deadlines for deliverable planning documents, customer-specific designs, customer-supplied components, delivery of constructional assemblies, and punctual preparation of documents, e.g. delivery notes, using standardized IT procedures such as SAP and M2-Tool, and/or have this done.

? Performance of customer acceptance tests
Customer acceptance tests for national and international customers must be organized, performed and moderated. Technical problems and questions to circuit diagrams, interlocking scheme and protection functions arising during the customer acceptance test must be discussed with the customer and solved with the technical departments; possible solutions must be worked out or suggested.

? After-treatment of customer orders
If necessary, monitor deliveries of missing parts in the complete field of responsibility. Record customer inquiries, and coordinate and implement a solution together with the technical departments, or have this done. If necessary, start service actions. Arrange for invoicing, or have this done.

? Leading of employees
If necessary, select employees and lead them technically and disciplinarily.

Training and experience:
? The comprehensive technical and organizational management of the Technical Order Processing requires a university education.

? For coordination and evaluation of the technical solutions, as well as for the product and customer knowledge related to switchgear business, long years of professional experience are required.
面試地址: 上海市浦東新區浦東大道1號中國船舶大廈7-11層